Tuesday, 3 July 2012

New Management

New management at IVTC
Stephen Thoahlane, LNAPD Chairperson, ‘Manapo Mokitimi, former 
IVTC Administrator, Mapitso Ranooe, LNAPD Vice Chairperson

 On 15 June 2012 Itjareng Vocational Training Centre threw a farewell party for the departure of Mrs. ‘Manapo Mokitimi as IVTC Administrator. Mrs. Mokitimi has been working as the Administrator of Itjareng from May 2010 until May 2012. Mrs. Mokitimi’s tenure was historic as she was the first female Administrator in the history of Itjareng. LNAPD and the Itjareng staff want to thank her for the work she did in these two years.

Mr. Molise Foso, IVTC Administrator

On the same day LNAPD also welcomed the successor to Mrs. Mokitimi: Mr. Molise Foso.  His appointment marks a new opportunity for Itjareng.  Mr. Foso is a young and qualified individual for the position of Administrator.  He also has something in common with many of Itjareng’s staff and trainees—he boasts a physical disability.  We look forward to working with Mr. Foso to achieve the objective of IVTC: providing vocational skills to people who are physically challenged, mentally challenged, or deaf.  With the work of Mr. Foso, many disabled persons in Lesotho will have the opportunity to create a successful future for themselves.

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